
Only one party may enter a particular work into a given sub-category. It must be agreed in advance between the parties concerned. If a work is entered twice in the same sub-category, ADFEST will accept the first entry submitted. ADFEST reserves the right to disqualify entries that fail to provide required documentations. Entries that have been run purely to make them eligible for competition will be disqualified and the submitting organisation may be banned from ADFEST competitions for a period of 3 years. ADFEST reserves the right to move entries to more appropriate Lotus category or sub-category. Brand Communication which might offend national or religious sentiments or public taste will not be accepted. ADFEST reserves the right to disqualify inappropriate and offensive entries. ADFEST reserves the right to disqualify an entry if full payment is not made before judging commences. No refund will be given for wrong entries, withdrawn entries or disqualified entries. Entry credits CANNOT be revised after Friday 31st January 2025. Any requests for changes are subject to the approval of the Organiser. A fee of THB 2,000 per request will be charged for each change including revisions for credit revisions, written submission and material replacements. During or after the festival, any changes to the permission for the publication of entries is subject a fee of THB 2,000 per request.


Entry submissions to ADFEST are open to companies involved in advertising, communications, and production industry throughout Asia and the Pacific, including Australia, New Zealand, and the Middle East. The company must be based in the region regardless of where the entry was designed, implemented, published or aired. Works created for clients in the region, but by companies based elsewhere are not eligible. All Brand Communication must have been commercially launched between 1st December 2023 and 31st December 2024. Except: Works can be launched between 1st January 2023 and 31st December 2024 (in the past 2 years): Brand Experience Lotus: Customer Acquisition & Retention (BE17) Commerce Lotus: Customer Acquisition & Retention (CM11) Direct Lotus: Customer Acquisition & Retention (DM16) Effective Lotus (except EF02 Long-Term Creativity and Lotus Roots sub-category (LREF) New Director Lotus Works can be launched between 1st January 2022 and 31st December 2024 (in the past 3 years): Creative Strategy Lotus: Long-Term Strategy (CS13) Effective Lotus: Long-Term Creativity (EF02) Works that have entered ADFEST in the past years are not eligible, except for entries into: Brand Experience Lotus: Customer Acquisition & Retention (BE17) Commerce Lotus: Customer Acquisition & Retention (CM11) Direct Lotus: Customer Acquisition & Retention (DM16) Effective Lotus: EF01-EF07 All Brand Communication must be designed for public exposure except: INNOVA Lotus: Innovation in Prototype Technology (IN03)
While entries submitted to Innovation in Prototype Technology (IN03) do not need to be public, they must have at least been launched or tested to a small group of people and executed to some extent not merely a prototype idea.
New Director Lotus: Portfolio Spot (ND08) & Film School (ND09) All Brand Communication must have been made within the context of a paying contract with the client, except: Self-Promotion sub-categories: for Self-Promotion or works for non-profit organisations, the works must be endorsed and approved by the client. New Director Lotus: Online Film (ND05), Portfolio (ND08), Film School (ND09), and Short Films for ADFEST 2025 by The Fabulous Five (ND10) Entries cannot be made without the prior permission of the advertiser/owner of the rights of the commercial or advertisement. Entries which have infringed any of its country of origin's voluntary or regulatory codes of practice are not eligible. It is the responsibility of the entrant to withdraw such work immediately should an infringement arise.
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